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engineering services

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Work with BuildTwin to find the most competitive bid for your projects from pre-qualified vendors.

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How to get competitive quotes

Procuring competent technical teams for complex projects, made easy.
1 Post the Job2 Invite Vendors3 Awarding4 Commercial Contracting

BuildTwin assists you in tendering your project with an easy 3-step process. You can tender in private, only
invite selected vendors, or tender to the open marketplace with fine granularity in data privacy settings.


How BuildTwin Pro
helps you the job DONE.

work with pre-qualified solution providers

  • Quality Management
  • Live Project Progress
  • Live RFI Tracking
  • File Management

AI generated CheckList and Quality Gates

BuildTwin generates Checklists based on the user, deliverables and the discussed technical decision. The checklist also considers RFIs, Revisions and many other factors.


LIVE Project Progress

The consolidated LIVE view shows you the LIVE project view of your project progress and whether your project is on track or not.


LIVE RFI Management

The AI RFI manager tracks all RFIs across different channels such as emails, CDE, and technical meetings, presenting them in an easy-to-understand format.


Documenting Everything

BuildTwin tracks and documents all activitis across all channels - and presents a easy to use and understand cockpit.

Planning a large project?
We’d love to show you around.

First time with BuildTwin? We will help you hands-on to pilot your project.

Standardise all your service needs.

Compliant. with your technical requirements out of the box.

Top-rated support with a quick response time.

Customise BuildTwin as per your requirements.

What does pre-qualified mean?

BuildTwin marketplace offers different filters to select as per your pre-qualification standard. Together with our third-party auditor we vet all documents and verify that the submitted documents are legit.
As a client, you have the option to filter for solution providers based on their formal, technical, commercial, liability, and professional eligibility
For Enterprise clients BuildTwin offers tailored tendering services to clear specific pre-qualification requirements.

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Additional Feature:
Drawing Register/Submittal
Quality Management
CDE Integration
Live Tracking
RFI Management