3 reasons to get started NOW

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Business Listing

Claim your free business listing now to instantly match with public tenders worldwide.

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and get invited for private tenders

Are you ready? Get your business pre-qualified and get invited to submit bids for private projects

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Your services. Our Reach.

We specialied in comprehensive approach for each and every service
provider, with one of the largest global footprint.
Top 3

ranked on google on 50+ keywords


of engineering tenders




of private clients

Worked with

How to get new projects.

BuildTwin connects you with potential clients, allowing you to showcase portfolios.
Buyers can reach out with confidence while maximizing your business opportunities.

Your Portfolio

Showcase your expertise with a public portfolio to attract clients while securely sharing private projects under NDA. Expand your reach and connect with buyers while keeping sensitive information protected.


Match & Reach

BuildTwin multiplies your reach by connecting your portfolio with the right opportunities. Our platform matches your expertise with both private and public tenders, ensuring you get discovered by buyers looking for your capabilities — whether in open markets or secure, invitation-only projects.

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Get invited / started

Receive direct invitations to secure projects and get started quickly. With BuildTwin Pro, you have the tools to deliver on time and ensure top-quality results, giving you a competitive edge in every project.

Learn more about BuildTwin Pro
Who is BuildTwin and what do you offer?

BuildTwin is a Software Company, which offers 3 products – a SaaS product do manage engineering teams and projects, a marketplace software to tender & bid for projects and a software solution for training and marketing custom trainings.


Get started NOW

The BuildTwin Marketplace program not only covers our closed marketplace with clients from 10+
countries - but gives you also access to Leads from open market.

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Take a quick minute to fill this out—BuildTwin’s success advisor will handle the rest.

Additional Feature:
Drawing Register/Submittal
Quality Management
CDE Integration
Live Tracking
RFI Management